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Posted 06/25/2024 in Christian Mental Health Tips

God Gives His Hardest Battles to His Strongest Soldiers - Is it True?

God Gives His Hardest Battles to His Strongest Soldiers - Is it True?

Ever heard the saying, “God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers?” It goes around a lot, and while it may be well-intentioned, it’s actually not true. We’re all equally strong in God’s eyes but as you may have noticed we don’t get an equal set of struggles. We all go through different things at different points in our lives and our ability to overcome it does not depend on our strength but on His. 

For this reason, saying that God gives His toughest battles to His strongest soldiers can lead people in the wrong direction. Yes, it will encourage resilience and help people believe that they are strong enough to overcome their struggles, but it will also cause them to depend on their own strength and that’s where the problem lies.

In this blog, we’ll look into why this phrase isn’t in the Bible and why God actually gives us challenges. So if you’re curious to know why, keep reading.

Where in the Bible does it say God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers?

The phrase "God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers" is actually not found anywhere in the Bible. While the Bible contains hundreds of verses discussing trials, struggles, suffering, and adversity, this specific saying is not present in the biblical text. 

Instead, the Bible emphasizes themes of God's grace, reliance on His strength, and the fact that difficult times can and will exist for all believers, irrespective of their perceived strength.

7 Reasons Why This Saying Isn't in the Bible

There are many reasons why the saying ‘God gives His toughest battles to His strongest soldiers’ isn’t found in the Bible, but here are our top 7:

God's grace and mercy:

When we think about God's grace and mercy, we know that it is extended to all people regardless of their strengths or weaknesses. The Bible consistently portrays God as a source of unmerited favor and support, challenging the notion that God would give His toughest battles to the strongest people. 

See, grace invites us to recognize our inherent dependence on God's compassion, which creates a humble acknowledgment of our limitations and helps us realize that no battle can be won nor fought well without the grace and mercy of God Himself.

God's use of the weak:

In the Bible, you will find multiple stories where God intentionally chose people considered weak by societal standards. This intentional selection shows us that God's power does not depend on human expectations or a human’s definition of strength. 

There were many, many times when unexpected individuals rose to heroic roles despite their weaknesses. Joseph, sold into slavery by his brothers, eventually becomes a powerful figure in Egypt. Gideon, initially considered the least in his family, leads Israel to victory. David, a seemingly timid shepherd boy, fights Goliath and wins, and Moses, the man who initially doubted his own abilities leads Israel out of slavery. 

These stories highlight that battles are not exclusively assigned based on perceived strength but often unfold in ways that defy human expectations. 


The Word of God encourages humility and recognizes that human strength alone is insufficient to emerge victorious. 

See, when we talk about being humble, we talk about understanding that we all have limits. The Bible says this is a good thing, we should not consider ourselves the strongest. The Apostle Paul, for example, speaks about his weaknesses and emphasizes that God's power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). So, admitting that we're not perfect or even strong is okay.

The Word encourages us to be humble, knowing that life is not about being the strongest but about relying on God's strength, which is always there to help us when we need it.

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The unpredictability of trials:

The Bible tells us that trials and challenges are part of the human experience, affecting believers regardless of their perceived strength. The rain falls on both the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45), and believers are not exempt from difficult times. This means hard times are not picky – they come to everyone. It means that challenges are a normal part of life, and they don't choose people based on how strong they are.

This idea helps us recognize that life's difficulties are unpredictable. Instead of being connected to someone's strength, hard times are just a part of everyone's journey. So, when we face tough times, it's not because we're the strongest or because we’re not strong enough; it's just a natural part of being human.

God's sovereignty:

God's Word emphasizes His sovereignty over all aspects of life. While believers may face challenges, it does not necessarily mean that God deliberately gives difficult battles only to certain individuals. God's ways are often beyond human understanding (Isaiah 55:8-9).

He is the ultimate planner and we need to remember that everything that happens in our life is part of that ultimate plan. Even when things are tough, we must remember that God has a purpose for it.

Challenges aren't just randomly given to strong people; they're part of a bigger picture that only God understands. So, we must choose to trust that God is guiding everything, and there's a reason for every challenge we go through, even, and especially when we don’t feel strong enough to get through it.

Individual interpretation:

Different Christian denominations and scholars often have varying interpretations of biblical teachings. Some may find this phrase resonant with certain theological perspectives, while others may see it as an oversimplification or misrepresentation of biblical principles.

So, when it comes to the phrase about tough battles, not everyone agrees on exactly what the Bible says about it. Some people might actually feel that the toughest battles are given to those whom God recognizes as the strongest soldiers, while others think it's a bit more complicated.

This diversity in understanding shows that people can see things in different lights, and that's okay. However, it’s always important to dig deeper and understand better why you believe certain things.

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Purposeful diversity in challenges:

In the Bible, we see many people facing completely different challenges, and none were dependent on how strong or weak they were. It usually depended on what their purpose was.

Each challenge had a special purpose in God's plan, helping them grow and follow His guidance. This shows that battles aren't given based on someone's strength. 

Understanding this diversity in challenges helps us see that God's plan for each person is unique so their battles will be unique too.

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Why Does God Give Us Challenges?

The question of why God allows challenges in our lives is deeply rooted in the theological understanding of divine purposes. In Christianity, challenges are seen as a means of refining and strengthening faith. The Bible often portrays trials as an opportunity to grow stronger, as well as to cultivate endurance, and the development of virtues such as patience and resilience. 

Challenges serve as a refining fire, shaping us into vessels capable of embodying God's purpose. Additionally, the Christian worldview suggests that challenges prompt us to deepen our reliance on God, promoting a transformative relationship grounded in trust and dependence.

For this reason, when thinking about why God gives us challenges, it's crucial to recognize the complexity of divine providence. God's ways, as emphasized in Isaiah 55:8-9, are beyond human understanding. Difficult times are woven into the fabric of human existence, offering opportunities for redemption, restoration, and a deeper connection with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

Ultimately, the Christian understanding of why God gives us challenges encompasses a broader portrayal of redemption, where even difficulties play a role in the unfolding of God's sovereign plan. Remember, even Christ Jesus faced difficult times, it’s all part of His plan and purpose for our lives.

Final Thoughts on God Giving the Toughest Battles to the Strongest Soldiers

As we reflect on the saying that God gives the toughest battles to the strongest soldiers, it's extremely important to approach it with an understanding of biblical principles. The absence of a direct biblical statement on this concept suggests the need for careful interpretation and consideration. The Christian faith emphasizes God's grace, the use of the weak, humility, and the unpredictability of trials, challenging the notions about battles and strength. 

The Bible encourages believers to trust in God's sovereignty and to find strength in moments of weakness. Instead of ranking challenges based on perceived strength, the Christian journey invites us to navigate difficulties with faith, recognizing that God's plan unfolds in mysterious and profound ways, beyond human understanding. His thoughts are better than ours, and His ways are greater.  Therefore, we are not to depend on our own understanding but to trust in Him.

The ultimate truth is that none of us are strong without Him, we need God, in every battle and every victory. We can’t fight without Him and we can’t lose with Him. There’s a purpose in every challenge and it’s not to prove your strength but to recognize His. Only He gets the glory.

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About the Author:Christian Counselor in Maryland, New York and New Jersey Corine Williams, Ph.D.

Corine Williams, Ph.D. is Clinical Psychologist that is currently seeing clients in the States of Maryland, New Jersey, and New York. You can find out more about her practice by visiting www.therapyforchristians.com/corinewilliams. In addition to providing individual therapy, Dr. Williams is also passionate about writing books and designing merchandise that educate, uplift, and normalize mental health subject in the Christian community. You can find out more about her at  www.booksbycorine.com or by visiting her amazon profile here:  https://www.amazon.com/Corine-Hyman/e/B00AWZ5FL2

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